Wordpress Post Loop Template
Hello and welcome to this tutorial on how to quickly code a loop template in WordPress for blog post categories. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a custom loop that displays the posts from a specific category on your WordPress site. This can be useful if you want to showcase your latest posts from a certain topic, or if you want to create a landing page for a category.
A loop is a PHP code that iterates over the posts in your WordPress database and displays them on your site. WordPress has a default loop that you can use, but sometimes you may want to customize it to fit your needs. For example, you may want to change the number of posts per page, the order of the posts, the layout of the posts, or the information that is displayed for each post.
To create a custom loop, you will need to use some WordPress functions and tags that allow you to query and display the posts. You will also need to create a template file that contains the code for your loop. A template file is a PHP file that determines how a specific part of your site looks. WordPress has a hierarchy of template files that it uses depending on the type of page that is being requested. For example, if you visit the homepage of your site, WordPress will use the index.php file as the template. If you visit a single post, WordPress will use the single.php file as the template.
In this tutorial, we will create a template file called category-loop.php that will display the posts from a specific category. We will also create a custom page template that will use this file as the template. A custom page template is a way to apply a different layout or functionality to a specific page on your site. You can create as many custom page templates as you want and assign them to any page you create.
To follow along with this tutorial, you will need:
– A WordPress site with some posts and categories
– A code editor or FTP client to access and edit your theme files
– A basic understanding of PHP, HTML, and CSS
Let’s get started!
Step 1: Create the category-loop.php file
The first step is to create the category-loop.php file that will contain the code for our custom loop. This file will be located in your theme folder, which is usually in wp-content/themes/your-theme-name/. You can create this file using your code editor or FTP client.
The category-loop.php file will have two parts: the query and the loop. The query is where we tell WordPress which posts we want to display. The loop is where we output the information for each post.
To create the query, we will use the WP_Query class, which is a powerful way to customize and manipulate WordPress queries. The WP_Query class accepts an array of parameters that define what kind of posts we want to get. For example, we can specify the category name, the number of posts, the order of the posts, and more.
To create the loop, we will use the have_posts() and the_post() methods of the WP_Query class, which allow us to iterate over the posts that match our query. Inside the loop, we can use various WordPress template tags to display information such as the title, content, date, author, thumbnail, and more.
Here is an example of how our category-loop.php file could look like:
'posts_per_page' => 10, // The number of posts per page
'orderby' => 'date', // The order of the posts by date
'order' => 'DESC', // The order direction: descending or ascending
$query = new WP_Query( $args );
// Check if there are any posts that match our query
if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
// Start outputting the HTML for our loop
echo '
// Loop through the posts
while ( $query->have_posts() ) {
// Set up the post data
// Output the HTML for each post
echo '
// Display the post thumbnail if it exists
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
echo '
// Display the post title and link
echo '
echo '';
echo get_the_title();
echo '';
echo '
// Display the post meta data: date and author
echo '
// Display the post excerpt
echo '
echo get_the_excerpt();
echo '
// Display the read more link
echo '
// Close the post div
echo '
// Close the category-loop div
echo '
// Restore the original post data
} else {
// If there are no posts, display a message
echo '
No posts found.